Grain Weevil Identification & Prevention

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Frequently Asked Questions About Grain Weevils

grain weevils in a pantry

What are grain weevils?

Grain weevils are a common stored product pest. They have elongated bodies and are reddish-brown to black in color. These insects infest whole grain or kernel foods. The larvae develop inside wheat, corn, barley, rice, and other whole grains.

A female grain weevil will chew an opening into a whole grain and lay her egg inside- covering the hole back up with a gooey substance she produces. After the larvae emerge from their egg, they begin to feed on the inside of the whole grain. After developing into an adult, they will emerge through a small hole they create in the kernel. Their exit holes are what usually identify a grain weevil infestation.

Are grain weevils dangerous?

Grain weevils are not directly dangerous to people, but they are extremely damaging pests that can contaminate mass quantities of food. They are agricultural pests and have the potential to infest large amounts of whole grains in grain storage facilities. These pests can create huge economic losses within the agricultural industry.

Why do I have a grain weevils problem?

The most common reason that grain weevils become a problem in homes is to purchase whole grains or other stored products that are already infested with larvae. A grain weevil infestation typically begins at a food storage facility and continues through the packaging process.

Some adult grain weevils will find their way into homes on their own. Many species are attracted to outdoor lights. They find their way inside through cracks in exterior walls or spaces around windows or doors.

Where will I find grain weevils?

Grain weevils have the potential to live in many locations. They live and breed in crop fields, crop storage facilities, food processing facilities, grocery stores, restaurants, homes, and other locations where whole grains are stored and/or prepared. In our homes, grain weevils live wherever dry goods are stored- in kitchens and pantries.

How do I get rid of grain weevils?

Acquiring help from a professional home pest control expert is the best way to eliminate grain weevils and keep them from returning. At Albemarle Termite & Pest Control, our technicians are highly trained and dedicated to providing affordable, safe, and effective pest control services in Elizabeth City. We are a local, family-owned pest control company whose number one priority is putting our customers first and exceeding expectations. For home or business owners looking to eliminate pests once and for all, call Albemarle Termite & Pest Control today!

How can I prevent grain weevils in the future?

Pests are not just a nuisance; they pose potential health risks and are capable of damaging property. Avoid problems with grain weevils with the help of the following prevention tips.

  • Inspect food packaging for holes or rips before purchasing.
  • Remove grains from their original packaging and place them in glass or plastic containers with air-tight lids.
  • Rotate dry goods in the pantry, getting rid of old or expired items.
  • If possible, avoid purchasing grains from bulk containers at the store.
  • Place weather-stripping around windows and doors.
  • Repair cracks in exterior walls.
  • Replace white outdoor light bulbs with yellow or LED bulbs that are less attractive to insects like grain weevils.

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